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D143   Category: General     Status: Pending
Tags:  google  knol 

20 pages later in Slashdot comments on the news of Google's new Knol launch and everyone's buzzing about the ad-revenue potential, since you can put Google-ads on your Knol.


A math question for you, if you copy/paste a thousand Wikis into Knol and put ad-services on each of them, how long until you're a millionaire.


I think the potential is much greater - forget the ad-revenues - what about getting clients on Knol.


Say you post a knol on how to build giant stone walls that compete with The Great Wall of China. Maybe some people will go read your instructions and go build this giant wall, but many will contact the author directly and pay the expert to build their wall!


Since Knol's are authored, authors can establish themselves as experts by posting a knol and readers can contact them directly to hire their services. It's a marketplace!


Why I was in a rush to post the first knol on our industry ;-)


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